G1000 Pan Zoom switch

G1000 Pan Zoom switch


This is a Pan/Zoom switch for the 3D printed G1000. It uses a single cheap rotary encoder(20 position works best) and 4 tactile switches to accomplish a hard to find and complex switch. Update 29 April 2020: - Adjusted "knobshaft.stl" from 25mm to 28mm in length for better clearance. - Added circuit boards .dxf for those whose wish to make ones like I did.(optional) Update 28 March 2020: - Updated the Housing and encoder connector to V3. Removed the teeth as they don't align with the encoders and a few various changes for better function. Update 16 March 2020: - I have started testing and noticed that not all of the rotary encoders I have are the same. In fact I have some that have 20 positions per 360 degrees of travel and they work great with this. So I added an Encoder connector without the teeth on it for those who do not with to use the teeth. I removed the teeth all together as they were starting to cause problems in testing. So stay tuned for further development. Disclaimer: The photos above are from the prototyping stage and the panel it is attached to is a cross section of the bezel for testing purposes. This design has also not undergone complete testing yet.






