DUNE II SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Buildings [WIP-1]
This is a collection of structures from the video game DUNE II – THE BATTLE FOR ARRAKIS aka THE BUILDING OF A DYNASTY for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive. It contains ONLY the buildings as they appear in the aforementioned console port, not the original DOS-version. I also used the menu images as references but I mostly build upon the 2D top-down images from the game screen. The Buildings show a considerable amount of detail and I'm not sure if 3D-printers will pick up all of them. As of now, I have not printed anything. The base size of a 1x1 concrete foundation is 200 x 200 mm for modeling purposes. Please scale the pieces according to your needs. The software used is SketchUp for Web. Buildings finished and included in the file: - 1x1, 2x2, 2x3, 3x3 concrete foundations - single wall tile, corner wall tile, middle wall tile - Wind Trap - Refinery - Barracks - Spice Silo Buildings yet to complete: - Construction Yard - Outpost - Vehicle Factory - Repair Bay - Turret - Rocket Turret - Hi-Tech Factory - Starport - Palace