DYS Samguk 2207 Motor Wrench
Update: This works, but after a few uses the bosses start to round off and it doesn't work as well. I will upload a better version when I get a chance, but this should work for the first several uses minimum, longer depending on how tight you like your props. This is a motor wrench for a DYS Samguk Wei 2207 motor (a motor for a drone / multirotor / quad). The lettering is the bottom of the wrench so it is used lettering side down. It has two bosses (bumps) on the bottom. It should fit under the props, hug the motor bell, and you snap the bosses into the cavities in the top of the motor bell housing. The photo is a slightly older version, but I have uploaded the latest which better matches the bell housing and should take a little more torque.