Aperture Master Spool

Aperture Master Spool


Needed a spool for a MasterSpool filament I ordered from 3D Solutech. Didn't find one that fit my fancy, so i stripped down their design and used the hub assembly, with a little modification, and built my own. Some things to note: 1) I reduced the hub width by 5mm, since my roll had a good sized gap that let the filament slide down and tangle. It fits much better now. 2) I cleaned up a lot of the edges and opened up the center a wee bit. The center on this is still pretty small and I had to go back and 'tinker' with the filament roller I use on all my machines. If you are using a stock, or near stock size, holder for your filament you should be fine, but with some of the fancy ball bearing rollers it may not fit. I think the inner diameter (at least on the edges) is 39 mm. 3) There are 4 holes (per side) to stick your filament in when not being used. I added them recently and haven't actually tried them out myself, but I don't see why they shouldn't function adequately. 4) You will need to print out both halves, short and long, to have a working spool. I mean, if you only want to print half for some other reason, go ahead. Maybe to use with another 3D Solutech spool, or to make a nifty pen holder or something.



