Ender 3 Feet
These feet should fit any printer with a 40mm wide extrusion as the base. I used silicone rings to act as vibration dampers and non slip feet, the feet lift the printer up 16mm. This allowed me to use my own electronics enclosure which extends 10mm below the printer The feet fit the Number 8 rings from the aliexpress: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32886928396.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37nI7SgG if you purchase the silicone rings, you would need to buy 2 packs as each pack comes with 3 rings. I designed this part so that the silicone ring fits into the main body, and the inner fixture screws in from the bottom to clamp the ring in place also allowing the screw to push up against the extrusion to lock the feet in place. I used m3x10mm screws for this. I made a replica ring, so you can print it with TPU, however this is untested, i don't have any TPU filament, if you print it in TPU, let me know if it works.