Dial Caliper Slide Cover

Dial Caliper Slide Cover


Format not displaying correctly? Try switching your browser to Chrome and pressing CTRL+Shift+R (Command+Shift+R on Mac) to clear the page's cache. Background ----------------- Calipers are an essential tool in machine design. I find myself carrying a set around frequently, but I constantly ran in to the problem of the caliper "teeth" catching on the fabric of my backpack or pocket. Eventually, the wear would upset the fabric and cause a hole to form. As a result, I created a smoother, protective caliper-case design that will not only guard the caliper, but how it is carried as well. Print Settings ------------------- <ul> <li><u>Quality:</u> <= 0.2mm Layer Height</li> <li><u>Shell:</u> >= 1.2mm Wall Thickness</li> <li><u>Infill:</u> >= 10% Infill Density</li> <li><u>Material:</u> PLA or PETG (PETG preferred)</li> <li><u>Speed:</u> Dependent on printer capability - use what is best for your machine!</li> <li><u>Support:</u> None</li> </ul> Special Thanks & Tip ------------------------------ I am very passionate about the open-source community that provides a means for anyone to make, create, and remix amazing files across the web. It is truly amazing what additive manufacturing has accomplished by delivering a fast and affordable means to manufacture parts. Better yet, the bright and driven community behind the tech makes it even easier for those interested to get involved! Each of my designs are made free of capital but my own. If you found this particular project useful, please consider leaving me a tip (you don't have to, but if you insist, a <a href="https://paypal.me/andrewjoverby?locale.x=en_US" target="_blank">small donation would be greatly appreciated</a>!). This will go towards funding future projects like these, so I can continue to share my designs with the community!



