Covid Isolation Hook (Savegrabber)
The original Savegrabber by Coolioiglesias is rad, and my hat is off to him, but I drew one up to fit my aesthetic tastes. I also wanted the tip to have a retention ball for a holster that would be good for poking buttons like the keypad at the store. I don't know if I'll ever actually use it but it was fun to draw up. I printed it on its spine and only needed a little support for it. Holster was designed to retain the ball at the tip I need to tweak it some to make it tight and not rattle, but its workable right now. I might cast it in brass or copper as these are naturally antimicrobial and would be a better option than PLA or similar. Coolioiglesias, very clever design and very practical, plus your name is fun to say/type.