Ender 3 PSU Cover
I have my Raspberry Pi and Arduino-Uno powered from the 12v PSU, so I made this cover for the Ender 3 (Cheap Chinese PSU) so that the 24v and 12v PSU can fit into one enclosure. I also didn't like the add on fan silencer for the Ender 3 PSU, so this cover has an integrated fan silencer, I don't think it's very efficient if i'm honest, but i do think its good enough. (I have already modded the stock 24v PSU fan with an in-line 330 Ohm resister to reduce the fans speed, this also helps keep the noise levels down, I suppose i could also find a 12v version of the same dimensions and use the new internal 12v PSU) Why i made this cover: I have two Thermocouples with Max6675 modules connected to an Arduino Uno to act as a stand alone Thermal runaway protection device. (I've had my SKR mini E3 v1.2 hang and go into Thermal Runaway once before, so i don't trust Marlin to protect the system if it hangs again for what ever reason) The Raspberry Pi with Octoprint gives me remote access along with the PSU control plugin and the Enclosure plugin. I have the Raspberry PI and Arduino control a 5v relay in the back electronics enclosure that controls a 12v relay sitting the PSU cover that houses the power meter that switches the mains voltage feeding the 24V PSU for the printer. The system cuts only the 24v PSU leaving the 12v PSU running keeping the Raspberry Pi and Arduino powered. Its the best system i could come up with parts I already had laying around. The 12v PSU that fits can be found here: (12v 36w) (However the PCB shows 40W, strange i know...) https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/33042313383.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37V0YBDO