Asthma inhaler cover with manual counter

Asthma inhaler cover with manual counter


Once I've got tired of breathing pocket lint and created this thing. Now, after more than 1.5 years of using it I decided to publish .stl files and FreeCAD source. This cover for Seretide inhalers solves two problems: 1. Protects inhaler from pocket lint. I don't understand why current design has mouthpiece cap, but no butt cap. This was the problem for me for decades! 2. Keeps track of inhaler doses. BTW, certain models have an automatic counter built in, but these inhalers are rarely sold in Russia. So, we have to use basic models. And it's incredibly difficult to keep track of remaining doses, because if you shake the inhaler it feels non-empty, but there is no medicine inside anymore. Keeping track in some counter is cumbersome too. So, just assembly it, set to zero and use it. Counter allows numbers from 0 to 119, typical inhaler has 120 doses. FreeCAD source included. Please, use at least 0.18 version, earlier versions won't work.






