Lockology Disc Detainer Pick

Lockology Disc Detainer Pick


Still waiting on tubing to arrive from China to finish these, these are made in a 2mm and 4mm version enabling top and bottom tensioning depending on the the type of pick. Both handles have been checked for structural integrity and fit, the gauge model is super-glued into the tensioner and located by the slide fit feature. Obviously, this is for the handle structure, the rest of the pick will have to be made by filing, grinding, cutting rod and round bar... please see the material list and instructions for these parts included with the files, its the same as on my other BB and LPL Disc Detainer Pick. Full AutoCAD drawings are provided in case the more inventive among you want to personalize and or remix it. Oh and in response to one message i had, no i just showed a picture of the bottom tensioning tips, I'm using a 180mm length for the 4mm inner tensioning tool, that allows me full extension but doesn't clear the gauge on retraction. I personally use 41L40 round bar for that part, i buy it in annealed form as 6mm rod then neck it down to 3.9mmm... On the "Profile" pick I drill the central hole before necking it down, hope that helps. Oh and I chose 41L40 because its easy to machine and i can harden then temper it after. Have fun :P <B>Note: 2 Files added, a 2mm (2.2) tensioner and its associated drawing







Hand Tools