The MA5B Assault Rifle from Halo Combat Evolved. This has always been my favorite weapon from any Halo game, and it has a distinctly different model from any other assault rifle variant. Sadly all of the prints tagged as the 5B are actually MA5C models. Even the model used in Combat Evolved Anniversary was just a reskinned MA5C. So I took the old Pepakura model and I added all of the detail into the model that should be there for a good quality build. I combined the models of the 5B from Halo Wars and HCE, mostly adding in the trigger and trigger guard from HW. The model is scaled in mm and the completed project should print to be 31 Inches long, which I believe is just about right. The pieces are scaled to an Ender 3 Pro build plate. Anyway, I hope this helps the die hard lore fan and cosplayer like me to get the right rifle for your cosplay, be it a Marine or the Chief himself. If you like the model drop a comment and let me know I'm not the only fan of the 5B, and if it needs improvement drop a comment and let me know so I can try to fix it.