Fossil Q Gen 4 Explorist Charging Stand

Fossil Q Gen 4 Explorist Charging Stand


**General** This is a charging stand for the Fossil Q Explorist Gen 4 (May fits to other watches, because they use the same magnetic charging adapter). **What you need** You need the stock charging adapter, that comes with the smartwatch. **How I designed it** I designed it in such a way, that nearly no cable is visible. The charging pad iteself can be placed throug a square hole and there is an opening to guide the USB plug thorugh. The cable guide is very tight, so it snaps in and stays there. **How I printed it** I printed it in standing position without any support with a 0.6 mm Nozzel and 0.3 layer heigth. The large overhang was no problem for my Ender 3. Anything printed as it should. The backside of the overhang is a bit rough, but this part of the stand is never visible, so it should be okey. **Known Problems** At the top under the magnetic charger, the wall is a bit thin, so it could happen, that the cabel guide is visible in the outer shell (like in my case). But I`m happy with it like it is now, so i didn't redesigned it.






