Gue'Ron'Vesa - Librarian Upgrade Kit

Gue'Ron'Vesa - Librarian Upgrade Kit


EDIT: Fixed the light backpack not having both of it's fins. Please redownload. Inspired by the great art of Mo Mukhtar I decided to give it a go and design a 3d printable model kit to host your very own Asta'Vesa soldiers. This time I am working only on my own idea with creating a Librarian equivalent for the Asta'Vesa. These are one of the most powerful astertes can field and I cannot imagine Tau not wanting to test these warriors and try to understand the way they interact with warp powers. And probably psychic hoods and psychic focuses would be a wet dream of any earth caste engineer to work on. Ladies and Gentleman: meat the Librarian. They aren't as close to the fanart as I'd like but then again, they are designed to retain their character when being printed as a 28 milimiter scale models so I needed to exagerate some features and smooth out some details and I used some preexisting model sculpts and heavily modified them. As always, please don't use this kit commercially. This is a gift from me to the community. However if you would like to tip me, my tip link is But this is totally optional and the files are free to download and use non-commercially. Hope you guys will like this. It was a blast to work on them.






