HO Scale - Trolley Bus 1951 CCF T-48A
This is a model of a 1951 Canadian Car & Foundry T-48A trolley bus. This specific model is based on the ten buses operated by the Ottawa Transit Commission during the 1950s (later operated by Toronto and Kitchener). Other agencies across Canada operated similar buses. Printing Instructions: The bus is modeled in full-scale. I sliced it in Cura and printed at 11.56% (HO scale) on an Ender 3. The body of the bus was printed in it's normal orientation on a raft with tree supports. Wheels are printed flat, doors can be printed flat or upright on a raft, and the floor is printed in it's normal orientation with standard supports. Assembly Instructions: The wheels are super glued to the floor. The doors may require a small amount of filing to fit snugly. Trolley poles are made from brass rod and attached to the roof. I've included the Blender build file if anyone would like to make modifications. When I get around to making decals, I'll upload the decal sheet. Update (Dec. 5, 2020): -uploaded body without trolleybus accessories for printing as standard diesel bus