Mobula 6 Mobula6 Runcam Nano 3 Nano3 Fixed Angle Spacer and Lens Protector

Mobula 6 Mobula6 Runcam Nano 3 Nano3 Fixed Angle Spacer and Lens Protector


This is a spacer to fix your camera angle on the mobula 6, and to protect your camera lens getting scrathed. My Nano 3 camera got scratched pretty fast and made the image blurry. So this will provide some protection from that. Also acts as a fixed angle holder, so that piece of foam isn't the only thing holding the angle. 2 versions. A mid, which you can barely see the prop guards. And a Hi/Low version that at the low, the prop guards are in view, and out of view if you use the hi option. Print in TPU I did: Nozzle Temp 230 Bed Temp 60 Disabled Retraction 15mm/s print speed No support 20% infill .2 on a .4 nozzle.







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