Dungeon Degenerates and Mean Streets Expansion

Dungeon Degenerates and Mean Streets Expansion


Dungeon Degenerates is one heck of a great board game, but setup can be very fiddly. With the amount of decks, tokens, standees and more, it can be a real chore to quickly set up a game. I wanted the cards to have a home on my game table while the game is in-progress, but hate how easy it is for card decks to get bumped or knocked around. My solution to this problem was to design a card tray and lid system, where the lids sit next to the decks and hold the discard piles. During play-testing, I really liked how this solved the problem and keeps everything tidy during gameplay. It's a table hog, but this system allows you to hit the ground running...pull out all the trays and arrange them around the board as you see fit. Before I start playing, I separate out the higher level baddies and set them into the discard trays. Then, the first time I draw monsters or events from a region, I shuffle that deck, making for a quick start. This thing was designed for those having the Mean Streets expansion box to hold extra components. If you don't have that, loot cards, skill cards, danger cards, etc. won't be able to be stored in the core box. <b>Quick note:</b> the card trays are NOT designed for sleeved cards. <b>Second quick note:</b> I used two of the punch boards from the core set to fill in a little space beneath the organizer. See the photo to see what I'm talking about. I started by printing the token dishes from jbrum60's Thing (two of each of the Token Dish v1 and v2) and designed the rest. Grab them here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2827230/files (I also included them in the downloadable files section for easy access) <b>Cool extra #1:</b> The first is a tapered standee holder designed to be easier on the cardboard character standees. I printed mine on my Elegoo Mars in clear resin which lets you see the board beneath your standee, making icons easier to read on a cluttered board. <b>Cool extra #2:</b> d20 Dice Holder. Tracker tokens are easy to bump, so I picked up some d20s as health, gold, luck and experience markers. The track goes from 0 to 20, so I'm one number short on each end of the scale, but it works well and eliminates the tokens. I grabbed the d20 sizing test file from saffay's Dungeons and Dragons d20 Holder at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2652557 and remixed it into a 4-die holder. After printing out my prototype build, I realized the small full height card trays in the Mean Streets box are pretty unwieldy. I'd just print as many of the small card trays as you need based on how you want to split up the decks. The skill card deck is pretty big though, so you might want to use the full height deck box for that one. <b><u>Print List</b></u> <u>These two files were grabbed from jbrum360's DD organizer found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2827230:</u> • 2 x DD_TokenDish_v1 • 2 x DD_TokenDish_v2 <u>These files will all go in the core box:</u> • 6 x DD large cards double deck tray • 6 x DD large cards double deck lid • 1 x DD large cards single deck tray • 1 x DD large cards single deck lid • 3 x DD bit storage tray • 1 x DD standee holder <u>These will go in the Mean Streets expansion box:</u> • 1 x EXP-DD loot deck tray • 1 x EXP-DD loot deck lid • 1 x EXP-DD box storage • 1 x EXP-DD small card tray full height • 1 x EXP-DD small card lid full height • 4 x EXP-DD small card tray half height • 4 x EXP-DD small card lid half height There is some extra space in the Mean Streets box after this is all printed, great for holding additional dice, standee bases and the dice holder thing. <u>Optional Prints (I printed in clear resin for an unobtrusive look):</u> • DD_d20_Holder • DD_standee_base_v2 Print as many as you need. I did two of the d20 holders and 4 of the standee bases. There's definitely room for four of the d20 holders and many standee bases.






