Catan electronic dice box - extending the game!
Description This is an electronic dice simulator designed for extending the board game "Catan". several modes are usable : -Classic catan (same probabilities as with 2 six sided dices) -6&8 mode : all numbers have the same probability to show up, only 6 and 8 have double odds to appear -flat mode : all numbers have the same probability to show up -1 to 12 mode : a random number between 1 and 12 will show up, same probability for all. Not for Catan during the setup phase,you can use the main button to pick your mode : the dimming state of the numbers is proportionnal to the probability they show up. Validate with the secondary button. Once you have validate, you can reset the device with the secondary button the code is ready to go for a attiny 85 the reset function won't work on a non attiny based arduino, you will have to use the resetFunc that is just before the setup instead. The randomness is not determined by a function : the processor is just counting as fast as possible in loops from 2 to 12, and when the user presses the button, the led corresponding to the number at this precise time will lightup. I made 2 statistical analysis based on 400 and 450 throw for the mode 1 (classic) and 2 (6&8), results are in the pictures. for the materials, you will need - PowerBoost 1000 Charger - Rechargeable 5V Lipo USB Boost @ 1A - 1000C from adafruit : - Micro USB breakout board (the most popular size, see amazon) - a Lipo battery 1cell that will fit (1200mAh shoud fit), max size is roughly 30*53*12mm - Attiny85 - 8 pin IC socket (to put the tiny85 inside) - a M12 button, fat but short - a regular PCB tact switch (secure it to the frame with glue) - micro sliding switch for main power (see picture for the one I used) - LED strip (WS2812 or APA102/104, as you wish! careful about the pitch though, it has to be about 16.5mm... I used APA102) - wires&soldering iron - facultatively, some white and black paint to cover the lens to prevent the light to pollute the neighbourhood. start to paint the back of the lens in white, let it dry then paint generously in black.