1980's RAH GIJOE Cobra Night-Viper monocle
This a 1980's RAH GIJOE Cobra Night-Viper monocle assessory piece to help balance and fill out your troopers. It is a nice place holder till you can get a V1 monocle while keeping to Mars OEM standards. Bling your troopers out in any color you like. I printed mine at .12. I had problems accounting for hole size even with the estep calibrated and using CURA horrizen settings at -.15%. Simple solution is to widen the hole, via filing or drilling. Your milage may vary but your results will be awesome. Please feel free to contribute to our growing Joe community. Also be sure to join the Joe Group here: https://www.thingiverse.com/groups/gi-joe-library-of-prints If you like what I do and want to support my hobby, tips are appreciated.Or any joe parts laying you may want to donate. Thank you.