Halonix Maximus

Halonix Maximus


My son challenged me to try to make a model for Halonix Maximus, who is actually a hologram which appeared in the Transformers cartoon at the end of the first season. We took some inspiration from bobusmalus' https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2532054, and the head is actually remixed from his. We want to make him large (~12" tall) and add as much articulation as possible. He is held together with #4 metal screws. Most are 1/2" long but some need 3/4" long. The elbow and leg joints are held together by nails I clipped to fit, and then used a soldering iron to melt them into place. The Autobot symbol is just glued on. I would prefer a better looking head, and we never could get articulated hands. We tried to scale https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1822735 but just couldn't get the parts to work together. We remixed https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3302249 for the hands. We only did the left, and just flipped it for the right one. The weapon is remixed from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2551529. Would love to work with someone who could help with the head and hands.







Toys & Games