Test of honour: Garden Wall

Test of honour: Garden Wall


UPDATE 28.3.2020 Due to some unfortunate "not testing stuff enough", the original files don't really align up correctly (t-section..)... now corrected in the v.2 files. I'll leave the original files, if anyone still wants to use them. Also updated the Gates with sidewalls, to align them better. Also small improvements done overall, If you find something funky, do let me know. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. A basic set of Asian walls, inspired from the myriad of beautiful japanese gardens. I'm interested in picking up the game Test Of Honor, where you battle with samurai and peasant soldiers in a Japanese setting and needed some terrain for it (probably gonna use it for frostgrave too). Scaled to 28mm using Scalesby 28mm. Includes 10cm straight wall 90 degree turn T-section 2 different entrances, one more classical style, one more ornamental Door Future projects: If I get to design more (thanks Corona..) and managed to like TOH, probably larger outer walls, and maybe some houses/interior terrain for houses.







Toys & Games