WS2000 Rain Gauge Bird Spike Ring
Please post a pic if you make this! Note: I am working to create a thinner version of this. Needed bird spikes for the rain gauge on my Ambient Weather WS-2000 station however didn't purchase them. Built this ring that snaps into place. It has (34) 10mmx2mm holes however I ended up only using 1/3 of the holes based on info I found on the Davis Weather Station site posted by one of their support techs noting the wire only needs to be 2" long with 2" of spacing. The wire is there to make it tough for birds to close their wings, not prevent them from landing per their comments. Also, they noted too much wire / too thick of wire will deflect/block some rain from dropping into the gauge. I used the ground wire from some 14/2 romex I had on hand however any kind of wire works. If I had thinner music wire I'd just put a drop of super glue in to each hole after inserting.