Klingon D'k Tahg

Klingon D'k Tahg


This is a remix of "D'k Tahg split into parts" by mkauffman41, published here on May 28, 2017. I reworked mkauffman41's files to build a D'k Tahg more closely resembling the one seen in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. It's not perfect, but it's not half bad, either. The pommel, handle top, handle bottom, and switch files are directly from mkauffman41, while the other files were built off of/derived from mkauffman41's files. You'll need two print two switches and two side blades. mkauffman41 recommends using a 3mm fiberglass rod as for the switch, which I plan to try when I print my own. I've also uploaded the two blade halves, so that one could either print it as one piece, standing up, or as two, each lying down. I'll upload a picture of my finished product (and add more to the print settings and post-printing sections) in the coming weeks, when I get a chance to print and, y'know, finish it. Qapla', and happy printing!






