Foldable Door Opener

Foldable Door Opener


Open doors without touching the door handle! Got the idea from - but usability was not very good, to open a door handle, your hand needs to be below the handle to pull downwards. So I added a *second hole* so that you can slip in two fingers, and adding your thumb to push from above you can open the door much more comfortably. Since this made the door opener a bit bulky, I added a hinge so that you can fold it. Folded, it's roughly the same size as the original. But additionally, *the area where you touched the door handle is enclosed in the opener* and you are much more unlikely to accidentally touch it. The model is rounded, which leads to a nicer touch but a bit reduced adherence area. If you get warping problems, you might need to increase adherence. The STL model includes support. It is designed to be printed with 0.2mm layer height and a 0.4mm nozzle (smaller will also work). Your printer should be able to print precise measures. Make sure to enable "thin wall detection" in your slicer, as the support is only 0.4mm thick in the model. See slicer image for parts that you need to pay attention to. Any non-flexible material should work well, I tested with PLA.






