
Here it is - Monstly Printed Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm (MPSCARA). Version 2.0 (alpha). I had very much fun working on MPSCARA project ( from @Williaty and I decided for my own design. I'm using Duet2Wifi board with RepRap Firmware, mostly because of already build in solution for SCARA ( I've made some tests with homing (success) and inverse kinematics (success). I will put my configuration for arm length, possible printing sizes (now 200x60mm) but it can be (90x90, etc. - working on simple visualizer online) here with list of materials after I finish my new design of frontal arm. It should be done soon. Sorry for taking so long. UPDATE: 24/03/2020 - update base, add missing arm parts (front and back top+bottom), add base corners for add space (depends on used motors) 23/04/2020 - added duet case back to mount Duet2Wifi board and support stability for tower, updated arm holder, XY endstops, updated base and added new lead screw holder for the top of the tower. This is WORK IN PROGRESS, so stay tuned for what I have planed in next: - test new base added on ATX PSU for weight support and compactness (x) - add lead holder for lead screw at Z axis (x) - redesign front arm for changeable heads (first will be hotend) (-next- ) - add extruder fixation on the top of the tower with bowden tube - add case for Duet2Wifi board on the back of the tower(x) - add holder for (possibly heated) printbed(-next-) - add wire chain from arm holder to the top of the tower (for better wire management) I hope you will like it. I will keep posting updates here with new models and ideas. Stay safe.






