Merv filter box
So, I thought of this because of this tweet: It inspired me to create a larger version that is 6x4 inches on the inside of the box (which is also a forced air system.) This version is passive (no electricity) and is only 6.5x3 inches on the outside of the filter box. M3 screws are used to hold the top down which also compress the gasket. Screws are screwed into brass M3 inserts instead of threading directly into the plastic. The gasket is about 1/16th inch in thickness and I believe silicone based gasket material would be best (I'm pretty sure the correct rubber would work as well.) The outlet is for 1 inch hosing/tubing; can be acquired from online stores. I would avoid PVC based hosing/tubing as I've read it can off gas unsavory fumes. The filter media can be acquired from hepa filters or merv 13 or even merv 8 filters. Cut into pieces and cut to the dimensions of the inside of the box. I don't own a printer, so I can't test how well it would print, or how well it would work. Please contact me if you wish to help me fund a printer or if you have made one of these and have suggestions on how to improve it.