Floating TableTop
Inspired by various models on the subject of tensegrity, I have designed another one ... ... a construction that represents a conventional round table. Dimensions: tabletop Ø150mm, base Ø 80mm, height about 140mm. To increase stability there are 4 clamping points (instead of 3). As tensioning threads I took a nylon thread Ø 0,35mm. The attachment is extremely tricky and for people without endurance only conditionally recommended ;-) Dental floss also does the job. I did it. You can do it too! In any case start with the middle parts. The distance there in the thread area should be about 20mm. Then insert the middle parts into the table top and the table foot ... into the holes provided. To ensure a good fit, the fitting accuracy is very tight. It may be necessary to correct the fit with a cutter knife or sandpaper. Then apply superglue. ANNOTATION referring to the insertion of the middle parts: It often happens that the lowest layers bulge outwards. This is called „elephant foot“. It occurs quite often, because even the smallest changes in the pressure parameters can cause this problem. Aa I already mentioned carefully file or cut the edges of the hole to make absolutely sure that all build plate „elelephant foot“ is removed. https://youtu.be/zarCq6YIUgU Have fun printing and looking at it ... it’s somehow fascinating! Keep well!