Glock .45 Magazine Block to convert 13rnd mag to 10 rnds

Glock .45 Magazine Block to convert 13rnd mag to 10 rnds


If like me, you live behind enemy lines in a communist state such as ____ (You know who they are), you may be struggling to keep up with inane gun laws. So if like me, you are trying to comply with the laws, I offer you the following assistance. These two objects are created to replace the floor plate and insert in your Glock 21, 13 round .45 magazine. With the insert inserted, the follower can only be depressed to 10 rounds before it hits the insert, and won't allow any more. The insert is hollow, so it won't interfere with the spring function, and you shouldn't have to modify the spring. You could re-install the original baseplate with the insert, as it was made to line up with the original baseplate. The replacement baseplate is included in case the law requires that the magazine can not be converted back to 13 rounds with out destroying the magazine. Apparently, glue doesn't stick to the Glock magazine plastic. So I printed the insert and base plate in ABS, which is strong, and can be glued together. So if you glue these two parts together, the result is you can't disassemble the magazine with out destroying these two parts, which renders the magazine non-functional. The bottom of the base plate is clearly marked in large letters "10 Round Modified" so you can't get your magazines mixed up. This part is offered for gun enthusiasts like myself, who have a gun hobby, and an aversion to buying new magazines everytime the law changes. If you need "combat ready" magazines, go buy 10 round magazines to comply with the law. If you modify your magazine with these parts, please do so safely, as I am assuming no liability for any use of these parts. Guns are dangerous, but God Bless, be safe and try to comply with the law.






