Raspberry pi 3B "UPCycling" Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 BOX

Raspberry pi 3B "UPCycling" Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 BOX


I "upcycled" a sound card from Focusrite (broken one, power layer HS). Fit to the raspberry pi 3. I designed it to place my octoprint server + 12v/5v converter + switch to control the 12vLED light of my printerbox and the raspberry pi. A place for a 40mm Fan ofcurse, with a air direction stuff (dont know the word in english). !!! ---- Please mind the short circuit ---- !!! So use the nylon insert from the soundcard to avoid the raspberry pi touching the metal box! I fit the design to the screw hole in the metal box, you can re-use the screws from the scarlett. - Use M3 Screw - no support needed - raft maybe - 15% infill it takes average 3hours printing per side. There is also the file with the sized box, and blank side for you! Thank to angrysquirrel for the raspberry pi file, you make me save a lot of time! :-) https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3325492



