J-bot V2 Core XY (Parts complete - assembly guide in progress)

J-bot V2 Core XY (Parts complete - assembly guide in progress)


This is the build file for my CoreXY called J-bot, it is a 12" x 12" x 17 build space in a compact 19" x 22" x 25" enclosure. I wanted everything to live inside the body of the machine so panels could be added to the outside for temperature and airflow control. Specs: Core XY Usable Build Space: 12 x 12 x 17 Build Volume: 2448 Cubic Inches (1.4 Cubic Feet) Azteeg X5 GT Bigfoot Drivers Viki 2.0 LCD Magnetic Build Surface 20x20 extrusions (info to come on lengths) Linear Slides NEMA 17 drivers E3D Cyclops (2 to 1 color) All assembly components 3D printed 3D printer lengths of 20x20 lengths in mm 457 x12 497 x2 610 x4 477 x1 369 x2 265 x2 total 23 ^^MORE UPDATES TO COME^^ (5/11/2020)







3D Printers