Maki/sushi roller

Maki/sushi roller


A single-print maki roller that saves your evening when you forgot to bring with you ! This has the same function as the ones made out of string and wood sticks available everywhere, but it obviously has the advantage of being printable. This is just a series of rods joined by flat links intended to be only a few layers thick to allow flexibility. Cover it with plastic food wrap to make it food safe. **Printing notes and advice** - I printed it at @ 70% size if I recall correctly. - To make it ready to use after the print, do **not** use brims. - If necessary, to adjust the thickness of the flexible layer, don't forget that you can just use negative Z in your slicer. - To make the first layer stick well enough on my glass bed, I have a very low jerk/acceleration profile for the first layer, and use a high first layer thickness modifier in cura, in order to get 0.6mm or more from my 0.4 nozzle.



