Toy Binoculars - Bear Hunt 2020

Toy Binoculars - Bear Hunt 2020


Like many people right now, I have the option to work from home part time to reduce the number of people in the office. I got to see first hand what my wife has already been juggling for a week as we both work and try to maintain our household. My youngest children already know what corona virus is and that getting it is bad. It's why they can't visit friends or go back to school right now. Someone, I don't know who, started community bear hunts to ease the angst kids have from being pent-up all the time right now. We went on our first last night and my boys were really excited to find all the different bears in the neighborhood. So, I thought I'd make some toy binoculars to help in the hunt. The remix this is from is an excellent design, exactly why I stole it, but it requires support on my XYZ printer that I'd rather put into making part of the item. I deleted the center structure from the original in Meshlab and repaired the holes in Solid Works. I found a teddy bear image on google and ran it through Inkscape to create the extruded cut in Solid Works. This isn't really my design, I didn't make the bear and I didn't really put a lot of effort into the binoculars, but for those of us with children who don't quite understand what's going on right now.... I'd rather them remember the bear hunts over the virus. Maybe this will help. Please share your makes... and maybe any bears you might manage to find along the way. EDIT: I tried printing this at 0.3 layers on a Fusion F410. Probably wise to stick to 0.2 layer height. The slopes didn't like 0.3. I'll probably need to modify the text, the H & U in hunt didn't come out as well as I'd hoped.







Toys & Games