Xbox 360 trigger to Arcade Button Adapter

Xbox 360 trigger to Arcade Button Adapter


My first design from scratch and my first posting here For building your own arcade rig out of an Xbox 360 joystick . I did not want to buy D/A convertors and change the trigger to an on / off button . I wanted to keep the range of the trigger button. This arcade style button has about 9mm travel and uses the full range of the trigger function , and the original parts from the joystick. (spring and potentiometer ) Print the button on it's side so the connecting rod is strong. The mech piece can be printed flat and the spacer should also be printed on it's side so the clips don't break easy. Attach left arm to left potentiometer slide into left mech piece , put spring in button line up with spring slot in spacer and clip in to spacer , put arm in the up position attach mech piece to spacer leaving room for the connector rod and then twist to turn the connector rod into the arm.







Video Games