Useful Hook - Under Cabinet or Desk - Headphones or Anything

Useful Hook - Under Cabinet or Desk - Headphones or Anything


I looked everywhere and couldn't find a headphone hanger for under my cabinet that I liked, and that could withstand heavier items if I needed to hang something big on it instead. So, I made this. It has 2 variants depending on how much strength you need: 1 - "Full" variants: These are the full object in various preset orientations. I recommend printing on the "back" orientation if you just need a basic hook for headphones. It won't be strong, but it will work fine. 2 - "Split" variant: This is one to print if you need real strength! Printing in this orientation allows the layer lines to align left-to-right across the hook instead of front-to-back. When the hook is assembled by using 1/8" (0.125 inch) x 0.7 inch (~17mm) pins with strong, clear glue, the whole thing is easily 5-10X stronger in it's ability to hold heavy objects. Regardless of orientation, I highly recommend at least 4 walls (1.6mm on a 0.4mm nozzle) and at least 30% infill in order to add more strength to the overall print. It can be mounted easily using #8 flat-head woodscrews of whatever length you require. Mine were 1 inch long. The chamfers in the screw-holes are designed to allow #8 screws to sit flush, but #10 screws work too if you need more strength, however the screw-heads may sit a bit proud in that case. I used PLA+, but if you want, this could easily be printed in any other standard material (ABS, PETG, Nylon, etc.) depending on the overall properties you are looking for.






