


This is a bracket for a lead screw at the back of the Core_XY printer. First I have to apologize: I am certain that I published an earlier version but can't find it. This version is a lot simpler, although it also has a little room for adjustment in the Y-direction, for when your configuration is not quite vertical. For sideways adjustment one should use the motor mount. Two versions: one for the usual lead screw nut and one for the POM-Nut_Tr8*8 which came with the motor/leadscrew combination from, type 17HS3001-400N, I now use. It claimed to have a better quality lead screw than the usual, so I tried and like it, despite the price. I have no commercial interest with them, but I name it because it gave much better results than I ever had. Please inform us if you know something (preferably without motor) with similar quality, so we have room for experimenting on a higher level. Anyway: this was the reason that I had another look at the earlier version and decided that is was way to difficult to print and these things are also easier to mount.



