CNC Bit Holder

CNC Bit Holder


After building my own CNC mill and acquiring a SainSmart Genmitsu CNC Router 3018-PROVer, I decided that I needed a place to store all of my various engraving and milling bits. A few hours later after getting reacquainted with the new version of Fusion360 and I had a nice little bit holder box. I recessed the first 30 holes (from the left side) enough for standard Nano blue coat bits, but the last 10 are only recessed 12mm for the V-shape bits. I used MK3 x 2mm magnets in each corner on both halves of the box to secure the lid to the base. Be sure to flip the magnets on the opposite side for the correct magnetic attraction. A little E6000 adhesive and the magnets never moved.



