Termite Gant Shooty Space Gribblies Proxy (Resin Optimized)

Termite Gant Shooty Space Gribblies Proxy (Resin Optimized)


Proxy designs for termagants, devilants, and, I dunno, venomgants? Don't ask me, they're cool. (The venomgants and termagants will need the second holes on their thoraxes green stuff'd sealed or tendrils green stuff'd between those holes and the guns) This is a work in progress, I'm printing these out and seeing how they look painted, and then modifying designs. Change log below: - 3/31/2020: removed old Ultradevil STL, uploaded newer one with larger double devourers in an X pose. - 3/31/2020: based the gribblies on 25 mm bases, both blank and with terrain. - 4/1/2020: tweaked leg positioning. Changed Ultragant's base to a different one than the Ultradevil's. - 4/3/2020: Starting to create support trees for the models, finished with Ultragant and Devilgant. Removed the heads from models to make it easier to print them without supporting teeth Based models are going to be a huge annoyance, probably won't create support trees for the blank based ones. These are a remix from bits I got from all over. I'm sorry, I forgot where I got them from.







3D Printing