Remix of X,Y,Z carriages for the DIY Dremel CNC design and parts by Nikodem

Remix of X,Y,Z carriages for the DIY Dremel CNC design and parts by Nikodem


I've modified the original X, Y and spindle carriages to have slightly larger linear bearing holes (for tighter tolerances with my printer and ABS filament). The original X-carriage design had a clamp type fixing for the 12mm linear rods, this was prone to breaking if crushed / over tightened. Replaced the 'clamp' with a through-hole design where the rods can be secured by grub screws I also modified the lead screw holes so they only have fixings on one face, the other face has a larger hole to allow a anti-backlash nut to slide inside. Fitting can be a little fidgety, but it does work. I reamed the holes (instead of filing) in post-production for more accurate hole diameters. Added a Z-probe connector to the frame, RCA connector for ease-of-use. Found some feet in one of Nikodem's Fusion files, modded it to countersink. Also created a middle leg for added support of the frame in the center. Optical end-stop mount was retrofitted to the spindle carriage and Z-axis carriage as I'd already printed those parts previously. I will re-design them to integrate into the carriage prints in the future if I ever need to re-print them. The optical end-stop trigger was remixed from [Anet A8 optic Z-endstop]( by [Sagatxx](






