Totally Spies-styled backpack, sliding opening
I am unable to find a backpack to mach my Totally Spies cosplays, so I designed this one. It is the most complicated CAD I have ever done. I printed it with my Ender Creality 3, red PLA, 0.45 mm shell thickness, 15% infill. I coated it with resin to harden it, then pink paint. PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS A) Backpack (2 pieces) and rods (3 pieces): STL files give you the right half of the backpack. Mirror them to make the left half. B) Hook (3 pieces): print each piece twice. Right and left are the same, no need to mirror. If you want to use a thin strap instead of the hook, you can skip it. If you need a smaller or bigger hook, contact me. ASSEMBLING I recommend you to assemble each half separately, then glue both at the end. 1) The lid has 6 notches to hold all 3 rods. Rods allow the lid to slide laterally. Be careful not to mess up left and right rods. Once you placed rods properly, glue them. 2) The hook is easy to assemble: put the axis through the base, put a drop of cyanoacrylic glue in the arch, then assemble. The hook can rotate. 3a) Hooks slide in the bottom part. No need to glue them, so you can take hooks off. 3b) If you don't want to use hooks, 2 holes are drilled in the bottom. Put a thin strap/ribbon through it. I can design you a base for flat strap (as a casual backpack) if you need. 4) Glue 2 bottom halves together. I used resin to get a smooth junction.