Cloudspire Tower

Cloudspire Tower


This is a component for the Cloudspire board game made by Chip Theory games. Model is printed in two pieces, the base and the top, and when combined, the model can hold a stack of chips on its top. I printed this model with an Anycubic Photon resin printer. However, printing with a filament printer should work fine. Printing the bottom piece on a filament printer does not need supports, just orient the piece standing up right. Printing the top piece with a filament printer may require supports. I'm not sure I don't work with filament printers. I built it by using the "Modular castle, tower and windmill" model submitted by hugolours and the "Spiral tower" model submitted by kijai. All .stl files have been repaired through autodesk netfabb. EDIT! V1 of the Top had an intrinsic point of failure (see photos). Top_V2 should fix this issue. (Big thanks to jsrose for identifying the issue)






