Crane V6 Direct Drive Extruder Mount
Update: Added Version 3a. This model has the BL-Touch on an adjustable bracket and overall more rigidity and adjustable. V6 Clone hotend with BMG clone extruder, my own bracket loosely based on this thing It is designed to mount on this super cool quick release carriage: For attaching to the QR mount I use this thing: The design has slotted holes to allow for height adjustment of the whole assembly and the extruder assembly within the bracket. I used a V6 clone from Gulf Coast Robotics but don't recommend it. I ended up replacing the heat break with a better quality one and I prefer a cartridge thermister setup. Also, I got an all metal version and a bowden version of the heat sink. I think the bowden one (connector clip removed) with a short segment of PTFE tube works better. I also modified a cheap BMG clone by drilling it out to 4mm so the PTFE is one continuous piece from the gears of the extruder to the heat break. While this design is functional, I believe that it may be improved by moving the BL-Touch to an adjustable mount on the side opposite of the stepper motor. I used the stock 40mm rotary turbine fans from my Crane Quad and added a clone BL Touch. The original design, pictured in red uses the 30mm fan that comes with the extruder. However, my mainboard was set up for 5v fans. Since I didn't have a 5v 30mm fan I created the V2 model that uses a 40mm fan linear to cool the extruder (shown in blue). In addition to the Extruder, V6 Hotend, PFTF tube and BL-Touch, you will need an assortment of bolts and a motor wire extension. And a handful of the funky molex wire connectors and crimps used by M3D. I redesigned this several times before landing on this iteration so I left many of the wires much longer than I ultimately needed. Hence the wonky cable management. Eventually OCD will kick in and I will trim those to something more reasonable.