Simple Book Shelf Peg Cylinder - 5mm * 16mm
Please give me a like up top if you think this project is useful, and I'd love to read your feedback in the comments if it helps you out or needs improvement. *** I printed someone else's 5mm shelf peg model yesterday, only to find the description was off. It was actually 6mm. So I made a account, deleted their tutorial models, dragged the cylinder object from the basic shapes pallet, and set the dimensions to 5x5x16. Download, print (less than 5 min for one), test, and bingo! I printed 7 companions for the lonely peg. Now my wife is happy with her matching set of 3DSolutech Real Orange shelf pegs. It's a great color btw. Like Rust-Oleum safety orange. I didn't do the math on them, but at 50% or more infill, these should be sturdy enough to hold up 2 foot long shelves full of tween novels and manga for your wife's 6th grade reading class. However, if you need to mount 4 foot oak shelves to hold up your law library, 5mm plastic pegs are not your salvation. As small as these are, the 50% infill i used was basically 90% infill. The .4mm print head just didn't have room to make any air space in the center.