Korg Volca stackable shroud style cover

Korg Volca stackable shroud style cover


Wanted a dust cover for my Korg Volcas - ended up with this thing where you can store them easily as a stack. There is no need to remove the shroud if you are using them. I found it convenient to leave them on as a hand rest and it also protects the knobs. If you are more interested in a classic dust cover design there are also two alternatives. All versions are a tight fit so they can't fall off easily. The files: Volca Cover stack - this is the main file. It is the stackable shroud. Volca Cover stack lid - this is a lid to fit on top of the uppermost shroud. Volca Cover - is a classic cover which needs to be taken off to use the Volca. Volca Cover Frame - this just a cover frame. Cut or saw a small plate (e.g. wood) with the dimensions of the frame and glue in on top. This spares the IMHO awkward print of a large plate on the 3d printer.






