Medical Surgical Face Shield - No Tools or Hole Punch Needed - 32 Min Print Time! - PPE
4/12/2020: Fix the gap in the gap in the closed top near forehead band. Download newest file and print print print! The Face Shield is the best design I've found and based on models by HanochH and by Alsolis. We had to do some adjustments and refinements and now we think its 100%. This is the easiest to print and assemble and covers all the clinical requirements. The closed top was essential for ICU and Covid-19 Units that were Intubating Patients and causing aerosol and droplet exposure. This design has been accepted at multiple hospitals in Broward County Florida and has gone through multiple revisions and testing to refine it's design. We have distributed over 1000 of these face shields to hospitals, nurses (ICU - ER - Covid Unit Specific) , doctors (Covid Frontline - Surgeons - Infectious Disease),Nursing homes, Pharmacists, EMT, Fire and Rescue, Police, City Government, Dentist, Veterinary offices, and other at risk workers (Grocery and other essential businesses) and our current design is reusable, sanitizable, easy to use, and durable. If you are 3D Printing to help your community stop hole punching and deliver more units now! Printed in PLA. Use 8.5x11 inch transparency or 5-7mil binder covers (Prefered) all available on Amazon, Walmart, Office Depot, Staples or just ask a teacher, they will have some. See my video below for easy assembly and adjustment. Feel free to share it just don't make to much fun lol. I'm just trying to help. Assembly and adjustment video: Printable Instructions: Make sure to do the first layer at 100% not any bigger or it'll be out of spec for the insertion of the film.