Apex Legends Kraber .50-cal Sniper

Apex Legends Kraber .50-cal Sniper


Like my work? Support me through PayPal! https://paypal.me/ACLYON No one else had made the Kraber available to print yet, so I decided that I would be the first. This monster of a weapon is almost 5 and a half feet tall after being fully printed and assembled. It makes for a wonderful prop, or a centerpiece for a gaming room. This is by far my favorite weapon in the game. 100 hours of design work and test printing later, the design is finished. I made some modifications so that the Kraber would be easier to print, including the lack of a cheek pad, and the stock being in the fully closed position. Although the model is 1:1, some printers may need to scale down parts to fit on the platform. There are two holes throughout the body that are intended to be filled with wooden or metal dowel rods. Strong plastic glue is recommended. I also recommend printing the bolt, barrel (which can be substituted with a 12in pvc pipe easily), and the pole insert for the handle 1-2% smaller than the rest of the parts so that there is enough room for the parts to fit well in their holes. I recommend printing parts in PLA, and using stick glue for build plate adhesion. Issues with the print? Put your questions below. Game Description: "The Kraber .50-cal Sniper is a special Legendary bolt-action magazine fed sniper rifle. As a care package weapon, it can only be found in Care Packages, and cannot be fitted with foreign attachments or ammo. It comes pre-equipped with 8 backup ammo and a unique 6x-10x scope."






