Gopro Timelapse Multislot System Ender 3 Pro
UPDATE 11 April 2020; Boosted Version added. More stable for extended arm timelapse. UPDATE 4 April 2020. Just a note about my z stop is about one 1mm below the base frame (Notch removed with clippers) and i use the stiffer yellow springs. This gives enough gap between the design and the heat bed elements to not have a problem. If you are using regular springs and your z stop is above the frame there could be a clearance issue. I am therefore going to add another version for this situation. Not everyone can edit vertex and adjust the model, so please stand by. Im thinking of adding a 3mf and gcode where the material between the forks is way easier to remove. This involves bridging between custom supports so only tiny bits of support have to be removed between the slot forks UPDATE 4 April 2020. Version 2 added. Tighter grip on frame. Also included in platter Muti slot system for Gopro Hero in cage type. works for my hero 5 3mf and gcode added for Ender 3 Pro. This includes every component arranged to be able to print. Raft included to help prevent warping and improve stability of printing process. Special support settings to make it easy to remove. The slots of the tuning fork design need to be carefully prised apart to split the inbetween support material. The spatula tool included in the ender 3 kit is good to make the first split. and run it along. Use clippers to make the second split, and the spatula run along. Keep the bed heated to prevent warping. Support is blocked in bolt areas of platter.