Covid-19 Hermetic Face Mask with Replaceable filters

Covid-19 Hermetic Face Mask with Replaceable filters


I came up with a 3D mask design that is cheap and easy to build. Most importantly, it follows the following criteria when it comes to the current #covid situation and the protection it provides: - Make it offer the best protection - Make it use air-filters that are 1) easy to procure (even with the curent crises) and 2) are easy to replace - The mask can be disinfected for continuous use - The mask is comfortable to wear - The mask is attached hermetically to the face Apparently, all these are possible, despite the long list. I designed a 3D printable mask, that weights only 60grams. The cost of 60grams of PLA plastic is about 1USD at ardushop. There are already several great designs on thingverse, but this is probably the first to use a adhesive sponge to increase comfort and seal it to the face: This is also the first to use easy to procure and replace cotton pads, have the air filters on the sides not on front to prevent contamination, and use adhesive sealing sponge tape to close it hermetically on the face.






