Steam Time Insert/Organizer
The photos show utilization of Sunlu PLA Silk Blue, Sunlu PLA+ Green, Sunlu PLA Silk Yellow, and Inland PLA+ Red. Designed in TinkerCAD. Print Steam_Time_1_x2 twice....everything else once. Looking at photos you should be able to figure out what fits where, each of them has a spot to put each players pieces, cards, starting gems, and starting money. All the other money, clear gems, and Mr. Time will fit under the green non-player cards seen in green piece in photo. I used the bag holding all non-clear gems, along with the thin long boards to hold all printed pieces from sliding around. Seems to work well for me. Made small enough to print on average printer bed but still large enough that it won't shift too much in box. It survived my box tilting and turning around, upside-down, etc. It is a little larger than I intended and the box when closed will not be entirely flush, my bad, however it still closes almost all the way and pass the flip the box around test and nothing falls out or breaks. I personally utilized at 205 degrees and 60 degrees. 0.3 mm at 70 mm/sec with 10% infill and a brim. I find this saves time. I recommend waiting for it to cool completely before removing from bed after print or else you chance bending it. Do not use concentric infill for this, for some reason it fails. Recommend Cubic or to check your layers in preview to make sure it will print properly (it will start filling in empty space which will cause issues with filament going everywhere)