Dinglebopper (Ender 3/Ender 3 Pro Indicator Bell)
An indicator bell to signal when your print is done. You will also need: One(1) M5-.80x50 Pan Phillips Machine Screw Two(2) M5-.80 Hex Nuts One(1) M5-.80 Nylon Insert Lock Nut One(1) 4.76x44.4 tension spring that I got from this kit here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32947865117.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.340e4c4d2HLVac It's a great set of springs to have on hand, I highly recommend it. This bell: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072FJF4KD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Take it apart. you only need the bell part of the bell. Also it comes in a 3-pack so have some fun maybe train your dog with one and open a little bistro so you can use the other one; the sky's the limit really when you've got two spare bells at your disposal. Nip the loops off the ends of the spring with wire cutters. Jam it into the hole on the bopper holder. It's meant to be a tight fit, it will hold itself in place. Jam the bopper on the other end. Attach the bopper assembly onto your printer's carriage, it's a snapfit onto the two bearing spacers. Press a nut into the nut-shaped hole on the bell mount. Again, it's supposed to be a tight fit, maybe use pliers. Put the screw through the convex side of the bell, then put a nut on the screw from the other side and screw it all firmly together. Screw the bell into the nut you just pressed into the bell mount until it pokes through the other side. Affix it firmly in place on the reverse side of the bell mount with the nylon locking nut. Snap the bell assembly into place on the far right of your x-axis. Again, it snaps onto the bearing spacer in the rear. Might need to futz with the nut on the front side so it lines up with the slot on the bell assembly. Now, in your end Gcode you'll see a part where it says something like this: G1 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print Change it to this: G1 X{machine_width} Y{machine_depth} ;Present print and ding the bell BadaBING badaboom you're done.