Z axis Velleman K8200 PROt mod

Z axis Velleman K8200 PROt mod


Hello I would like to present the Z axis improvement for Velleman K8200.. The first tests showed a great improvement of stability and precision of work using the option (Printer settings / Retraction / Lift Z) The photo with the dragon shows an example of the print before (printer parts) and after (dragon). I will try to put some video soon. Parts used for this project: * 2 x NEMA17 motor with an integrated Leadscrew 300mm (Z max 200mm) or 350mm (Z max up to 240-250mm) * 2 x T8 Anti backlash Spring Loaded Nut * 4 x Linear Rod 8mm 300mm (Z max 200) or 350mm (Z max up to 240-250mm) * 8 x LM8UU Linear Bearings or Solid Plastic LM8UU Linear Bearing * 1 x Mechanical Endstop Switch with Cable * 2 x Ball Bearing 8mm x 22mm x 7mm Recommended * M3 M4 M5 Screws and Nuts Set,Assortment Kit (mainly used 8-10 mm long) Printed Components All elements designed with 0.2mm offset * 1 x Arm_component_end_stop.stl * 1 x Arm_component.stl * 2 x Bearing_mount.stl * 2 x K8200_horizontal_mount.stl * 2 x K8200_vertical_mount.stl * 1 x Nema_17_Z_end_stop_mount_v1.1.stl * 1 x Nema_17_Z_mount_v1.1.stl * 1 x NEMA_17_Z_Top.stl * 1 x Z_knob.stl * 8 x Linear_rail_mount.stl And more about the whole project https://forum.vellemanprojects.eu/t/k8200-2-color-z-axis-m2560-prot-mod/33173



