Mobile gaming triggers for PUBG
I have noticed that there is quite a few different mobile gaming triggers for games like PUBG but non of them are compatible with thicker devices (Samsung galaxy A80 & Xiaomi Redmi K20). Some of the triggers that i managed to get to work, did not work as good and lacked some details like: If you were to play with the triggers, all the pulling of the triggers causes the whole thing to move and then it is not on the right spot anymore. So i have decided to create a part that works on the same principle as all the other gaming triggers, but that is a bit more effective, can be used on thicker phones and uses very little material to assemble. You will need: 1. Foil 2. Superglue 3. Rubber bands 4. Latex rubber 5. Scissors 6. Double sided tape 7. Tweezers 8. File tool The method to assemble is as followed: 1. Clean all the supports. 2. Use the file to clean away all excess supports on the body to ensure that the button fits in smoothly. 3. Cut two pieces of double sided tape of 6 mm x 6 mm and then stick it according to the photos. 4. Cut two strips of foil, each 40 mm x 6 mm and then use the superglue to stick it according to the photos. 5. Cut two squares of latex rubber, each 13 mm x 13 mm and then use the superglue to glue it according to the photos. 6. Cut 2 strips of foil, each 45 mm x 13 mm and then use the superglue to stick it all around the buttons as showed in the photos. 7. Use the tweezers to poke holes through the foil around the buttons to ensure that the rubber bands can go through. 8. Cut 4 pieces of rubber bands, each with a length of 10 cm. 9. Use the tweezers and push the rubber bands through the holes in the buttons. 10. Use the tweezers to push the rubber bands through the holes of the body (make sure when doing this that the correct side of the button shows upwards. The side that stands out a bit more of the button should be pointing upwards). 11. Gently push the button in to place with the body, while pulling the rubber bands until the holes align and the rubber bands can move freely. You should notice a gap of about 2 - 3 mm between the button and the body. 12. Tie the rubber bands on both sides. 13 DONE!